Think small

How does your «to do list» look like? Full of planned activities, some of them really unpleasant, much more than you can handle within the ambitious time restrictions? If your answer is yes, then it's time for a new guideline: THINK SMALL!

It is easy to start a new project, but a challenge to complete it in a reasonable way.

It is easy to formulate new personal objectives, especially at the beginning of a year, but much more difficult to fulfill them in due time.

It seems to be a widespread attitude of human beings to have big plans and lots of good wishes but never coming to an end. So why not being more modest and eliminating some of the points on the list? Of course, it's not always in our hands to make such a decision! However we should consider that anyway. To focus on a small number of activities may at first glance yield less, but in the end most often more visible results in high quality. 

Reducing the «to do list» means: Set priorities, choose the right goals, keep them simple and define small but measurable steps. That will make you more efficient in your work and private life.

Think small is an interesting contradiction to the well know paradigm of «think big». But also «big visions» have to be realized in small portions, down to earth. So «think small» is helpful in leadership and self-management, because it will support quality and sustainable results. 

Werner Inderbitzin

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